Thursday, November 26, 2009

30 Days to Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is expecting, talking and visualizing with certainty what you want to achieve, as an accomplished fact. - Remez Sasson

Hey Everyone, Sawanda here!! Happy Turkey Day to all my fellow Americans! During these holiday times I think about how I've been grateful for what I have been blessed with and what I have done thus far and am looking forward to what I will be manifesting in the new year! The manifestation for the future begins in the NOW and today I have made a decision to go on a mini detox..a MENTAL mini detox that is!!!

For the next 4 weeks I am making the commitment to immerse myself in positive thoughts, information, words, ideas and actions! So, yes, this means I am turning off the television, I am limiting my internet and phone usage and not engaging in any gossip or negative speaking of anyone or anything! These 4 weeks will be a time for me to clear my head - all the clutter and JUNK that I've allowed to fill my head, clear my thoughts and really prepare for what's ahead of me for 2010 and beyond! I've realized how important thoughts are and how they really do create EVERYTHING in my life - yes, this includes the negative "stuff" that's been manifested in my life! When you change your habitual thoughts, it is like changing the direction of a train.

I have a few things that I have to clear up and instead of blaming other people for their wrong doings, instead of sulking and giving up, and/or instead of trying to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, I've decided to take it inward and focus on positive thoughts! Positive thoughts=Positive outcomes! PERIOD!

So, I'll be taking with me some things on my 4 week journey. The tools I'm using to create a positive inner and outer environment are listed below:

*Affirmations (positive declarations that will help change those negative thoughts that are floating in my head)
*A journal (to observe and investigate all the negative thoughts that pop up in my head)
*My Gratitude list
*Several Motivational, Inspirational and Self-Improvement books
*Inspirational DVD's, movies, tv programs, etc..
*Motivational/inspirational music

I'll have a lot of things to work on, like my businesses - I am the founder of Born2Blossom, a company that empowers, educates and inspire teenage girls and women of all ages to pursue their passions!! I have so many things to do before the launch of my book, this 4 week fast will be a perfect time to get ready for that! I am also the GA State Director for the Pediatrics Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc (PHF). I have so many ideas I would like to implement, so many families who has a child with hydrocephalus can get the support and guidance they need WHEN it's needed. I also want to help with PHF's mission to "fund a cure"! So this is the time where I can put all my ideas on paper and make them goals!! Speaking of goals, I will also have some time to create some of my own personal goals and visions for certain areas in my life that have been put on the back burner of mind or just have not been the focus for some time! And of course this is also a great way for me to spend some quality time with the hubby and son!!

So if I don't speak with you, or have a short conversation with you, please don't take it personally. I am on a mental fast and these 4 weeks will be catered to listening, learning and being inspired, or as Dr. Wayne Dyer says, being "in spirit".

NOW, I'd LOVE for you to join me!! If you think there are some things in your life that finally need to change, take the time to make the time to change within or if this activity has resonated with you, maybe it's time to delve in it and make some changes too! Stop looking at outside "stuff" to change! If you don't like what you see on the outside, chances are the inside is what's mess up!! I'm doing my mental fast from Friday, Nov. 27th starting at 12 midnight, to
Friday, December 25th ending at 12 midnight. Now some of you may not want to do a detox that long. You can modify it any way you choose. You can detox for a day, a week, or for the full 4 weeks!! It's up to you. Either way, you will start seeing a change in your thinking AND the way you are thinking (are you thinking more positive, or more negative?). I am calling this mental detox, 30 Days to Positive Thinking

I will send out a video blog once a week to share with you my progress. I will put them on my website, and I will put it here on my blogspot,
If you want to send me your comments, please feel free to email me at or just comment on facebook or myspace! I'd love to hear what you think or how the mental detox is going to help you!!

So for those in the States, have a great Turkey Day, enjoy your family and friends, your days off and all the fixings a holiday provides! And remember - thoughts are seeds that you plant and will blossom! What you plant today, will manifest tomorrow!

Peace and Blessings,


Thursday, November 19, 2009


According to Wikipedia, AFFIRMATIONS are defined as a declaration that something is true; a positive judgment.

I have always been a fan of affirmations. I've put positive words on note cards, then placed them on my mirror. Everyday, I would look at these affirmations and say them often during the day. As much as I didn't believe what was said on the cards in the beginning, for example, one of the cards would say, "I deserve the best, for I am the best". I would say it so much that one day (and I can't remember when THAT day came about), I actually started believing it! It was like a switch turned on in my brain, my heart, my spirit. I DO deserve the best, for I AM the best! Then life started mirroring exactly what I was thinking!! Everything in my life was the BEST! What you focus on the most, expands and becomes more!! WOW!!

I'm listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer's CD, "Excuses Be Gone". He speaks of affirmations and says how an actual physical (inner) change happens when you have repeated that affirmation enough times to really believe it! He says that when your thoughts have changed, your beliefs and actions change too - a physical (inner) change!! WOW! How awesome is that?? You don't have to pay thousands of dollars, go to hundreds of seminars and trainings to change your life! All you need are note cards, a mirror and a commitment each day to say your personal affirmation. Say it plenty of times and a change will happen - the "plenty of times" part is up to you. You can change in 2 hours, 2 days or 2 years!!! That's up to you!!

Dr. Wayne Dyer has provided some affirmations to combat some of the excuses we make that stops us from living our lives to the fullest. Click on the link to find them.

Ready to change your life? Pick one area in your life you'd like to work on first. Pick an affirmation from Dr. Wayne Dyer or make one yourself by starting your affirmation with either I AM, or I INTEND.

Ready? Set? CHANGE!!!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Gift of Change

How do YOU see change? No, I'm not talking about the coins in your pocket, or your purse, I'm talking about the change that it inevitable, the change that happens regardless of you being prepared for it or not. How many of us embrace change? How many are afraid and try and run from it?

Change is defined as: make different, cause a transformation. Hmm...change causes a transformation. How many of us are ready for a TRANSFORMATION!!

What if you could transform your life from where you are now to where you want to be? It does take change, but trust me, change does not have to be painful. Sometimes you look at your life and it could be blaze' blah, real comfortable, living in your comfort zone. You like your life, BUT, you know, deep down, there's something else...there's more to life then just..being comfortable. Trust me, I was there.

After college, I was working a job that was decent, with decent money, however, everyday it was getting harder and harder for me to go to work. Deep down in my spirit, I really felt like I could be doing something better, more exciting...make more of a difference!It was around that time that I decided I was in need of a change.

Now first, the only change that happened was that I allowed myself to be open to the endless and limitless possibilities in my life!! See, not painful at all! When I opened myself to this different way of consciousness, it seemed as if the windows of the Universe opened up and everything in my life followed my new way of thinking and believing. I started being this new change of limitless possibilities. I was acting, "as if" things were already different in my life, even though I was still working the same job. Instead of dreading to go to work each and every morning, I started being grateful for my job and started thinking of things I could do because of this job. As I changed my thinking about my job, more opportunities of a CAREER happened and I haven't turned back since!!

Change can be a gift, if you think of it that way. It can open doors and opportunities in your life that you could not even imagine! Why not take a chance today and open yourself up to the gift of change? You'll be glad you did!! =)



Saturday, October 31, 2009

ACTION Cures Fear!

Even been afraid of something so bad that it paralyzes you? Maybe you're afraid of heights. Just the thought of you being on top of a building just stops you in your tracks. Or, maybe you're one of the few MILLIONS that are afraid of public speaking? People would rather DIE than speak in front of a group of people.

Whatever it is we are afraid of, I can confirm that if we put action to the very thing we are afraid of it will cure the very fear that we're emotionally bonded to.

One of my dear cousins just put this very comment to the test. Her fear was flying on a plane. She could drive anywhere, but flying was out of the question. Sure she wanted to visit other coasts within the United States, but if it involved flying, she'd rather pass.

This year, she just decided enough was enough and she was going to look at fear square in the face and defeat it! She was going to her baby cousins wedding and she was going to take a plane to get there! Now it may have taken her several hundred prayers, and a couple of drinks (LOL!) to get her on that plane, but she did it!! Not only did she survive, she also conquered a long time fear that was paralyzing her to do some of the traveling she's always wanted to do. Now, she has taken two plane trips all within this year!! WAY TO GO COUSIN!

My sister put a quote on a colored notecard for me about 9 years ago. I still have that card that has a quote that says: "Do whatcha fear and watch it disappear!". I've been afraid of many things over the past several years. A lot of it has to do with launching my own business. What I've learned about fear is that we really don't have ANYTHING to fear but the actual emotion of fear - NOT the situation! A plane ride that my cousin was so fearful of is someone else's adventure! It's how we look at the situation! Why are we so afraid of "it"? Who told us "it" was scary? What did we see or hear from someone else's experience that made of fearful of.."IT"?? And how do we stop being afraid of "it"?? TAKE ACTION!

Here are three action steps you can do right now to start the process of curing your fear:

1 - Visualize.
In your mind's eye, close your eyes and for just 5 minutes think about the situation you are afraid of. Look at the situation square in the face. Feel it. Smell it. Taste it. Ask yourself, "what really is the worse thing that can happen to you in this situation?" As you are in the situation, remind yourself that you are safe and that there's nothing to fear but fear itself.

2 - Pros/Cons.
With this fear, what's the best reason for keeping this fear alive and well in your mind? Why is it safe to have this fear around? These are your pro's.Write these out. Once you've made that list, then make a list of reasons why you need to let go of this fear. Place these cons besides the pros. What positive changes could occur (even immediately) if you decide today to rid yourself of the fear? If the cons outweigh the pros, then move to the next action step.

3 - Take Action.
Take a bold step today! What have you been wanting to do in your life but have allowed fear to hold you back from it? What can you do today to take a bold leap toward ridding yourself from this fear? How would you feel once you've taken this step?

Take a bold step to your happiness today!


Friday, October 30, 2009

What Are You Waiting For?

Born2Blossom has been in my head and heart for about 5 years now. This morning I realized why it has been taking me so long to launch my baby. It's because I wanted everything to be just perfect. A couple of months ago, my life coach gave me a scenario of helping an elder woman across the street. She asked me if I would help her or would I tell her, "oh wait, let me get perfect first before I help"! I laughed at first, but then I thought about it and noticed that that's exactly how I have been treating my purposeful passion!

I have a purpose, a passion, a gift, a talent, that could help inspire or even catapult someone else's purposeful passion! If I wait for the "perfection", or "gotta have it just right" mentality then that poor elder would still be waiting to cross the street! So my motto today is, "JUST DO IT"

My website is not what! I got it up! My blogspot, or facebook or twitter may not have everything I need on them, but, they're up! I've decided to stop waiting on things being perfect and just perfect along the way!

So today, I ask you. What are you waiting for to happen before actually living the life you really want? Waiting for more money? Oh I're waiting to lose those last 60 pounds!! Oh, or better yet, you're waiting to get married, have children and a house (with the dog and picket fence), then live the life of your dreams!

"Whatever it is YOU do...WHATEVER it is YOU DO....NO ONE can do it like YOU CAN!!! It is your responsibility to share your gifts, talents, and abilities with us. Your gifts will enrich your life when you share them with others!!! Weeee're Waaaaiting... "Niambi Dennis

Today, join with me and "JUST DO IT"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Watch Your Thoughts....

It's amazing how one thought can change your whole day! Greetings All! My name is Sawanda Middleton-Spinks and welcome to Blossom Moments! This blog is for those who are looking for something positive in their life. There's so much negativity in what we watch and what we hear. If you're looking for dose of + during the week, you've come to the right place! Welcome!


Imagine if you had positive thoughts all day, would that change your life? According to this quote, your life will change forever!

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Unknown

Today, remember that you have the choice to be positive or negative. Whatever you choose to do, it's YOUR choice!
