Friday, October 30, 2009

What Are You Waiting For?

Born2Blossom has been in my head and heart for about 5 years now. This morning I realized why it has been taking me so long to launch my baby. It's because I wanted everything to be just perfect. A couple of months ago, my life coach gave me a scenario of helping an elder woman across the street. She asked me if I would help her or would I tell her, "oh wait, let me get perfect first before I help"! I laughed at first, but then I thought about it and noticed that that's exactly how I have been treating my purposeful passion!

I have a purpose, a passion, a gift, a talent, that could help inspire or even catapult someone else's purposeful passion! If I wait for the "perfection", or "gotta have it just right" mentality then that poor elder would still be waiting to cross the street! So my motto today is, "JUST DO IT"

My website is not what! I got it up! My blogspot, or facebook or twitter may not have everything I need on them, but, they're up! I've decided to stop waiting on things being perfect and just perfect along the way!

So today, I ask you. What are you waiting for to happen before actually living the life you really want? Waiting for more money? Oh I're waiting to lose those last 60 pounds!! Oh, or better yet, you're waiting to get married, have children and a house (with the dog and picket fence), then live the life of your dreams!

"Whatever it is YOU do...WHATEVER it is YOU DO....NO ONE can do it like YOU CAN!!! It is your responsibility to share your gifts, talents, and abilities with us. Your gifts will enrich your life when you share them with others!!! Weeee're Waaaaiting... "Niambi Dennis

Today, join with me and "JUST DO IT"

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