Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Gift of Change

How do YOU see change? No, I'm not talking about the coins in your pocket, or your purse, I'm talking about the change that it inevitable, the change that happens regardless of you being prepared for it or not. How many of us embrace change? How many are afraid and try and run from it?

Change is defined as: make different, cause a transformation. Hmm...change causes a transformation. How many of us are ready for a TRANSFORMATION!!

What if you could transform your life from where you are now to where you want to be? It does take change, but trust me, change does not have to be painful. Sometimes you look at your life and it could be blaze' blah, real comfortable, living in your comfort zone. You like your life, BUT, you know, deep down, there's something else...there's more to life then just..being comfortable. Trust me, I was there.

After college, I was working a job that was decent, with decent money, however, everyday it was getting harder and harder for me to go to work. Deep down in my spirit, I really felt like I could be doing something better, more exciting...make more of a difference!It was around that time that I decided I was in need of a change.

Now first, the only change that happened was that I allowed myself to be open to the endless and limitless possibilities in my life!! See, not painful at all! When I opened myself to this different way of consciousness, it seemed as if the windows of the Universe opened up and everything in my life followed my new way of thinking and believing. I started being this new change of limitless possibilities. I was acting, "as if" things were already different in my life, even though I was still working the same job. Instead of dreading to go to work each and every morning, I started being grateful for my job and started thinking of things I could do because of this job. As I changed my thinking about my job, more opportunities of a CAREER happened and I haven't turned back since!!

Change can be a gift, if you think of it that way. It can open doors and opportunities in your life that you could not even imagine! Why not take a chance today and open yourself up to the gift of change? You'll be glad you did!! =)



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